tom shelley
rough and tough What's the difference? Can anyone explain, please? What if I talk about people for example? Are they rough or tough? Some more examples?
11 oct. 2016 18:45
Réponses · 9
Usually when we say someone is rough we say they look rough, meaning that they look uncared for or scruffy. Or they are not careful or gentle when they do things. For example "The nurse was a bit rough with her when she took a blood sample" or "he looks rough this morning, I guess he was up drinking all night again" or to children, "calm down, you are being too rough with each other, someone will get hurt" Tough can mean someone who is very strict, or is hard to beat. For example, 'the teacher was really tough on the students today and made everyone take the test even though they hadn't prepared for it" or "John Wayne always played the tough guy in the old cowboy movies". As you see from the answers there are lots of different ways to use these words. Hope this helps.
11 octobre 2016
A rough person is violent. A tough person does not let either physical or mental things affect them (depending on whether they are described as physically tough or mentally tough - if it's unspecified it could mean either depending on the context.) Things can also be rough or tough. A rough sea is a violent and stormy one that would throw a boat around. 'Rough justice,' means something that is unfair. Steel is a tough metal.
11 octobre 2016
I guess you could use both for people 'He is a tough guy' would mean he is hard and maybe even dangerous (at least he acts that way) and more importantly hard to break or hurt. (you know, like when meat is tough, you can chew and chew...) 'He is a rough guy' would mean he has hard edges, but he still could be soft inside. An unshaven chin is rough, a doormat is rough. A rough guy can definitely hurt you, but he is not necessarily tough. hope this helps.
11 octobre 2016
Rough means :rude Tough means :strong man who can deal with difficult or violent situations.
11 octobre 2016
rough might mean sand paper tough might mean leather
11 octobre 2016
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