Stick to/with Please is there any difference between saying ~I stick to Or ~I stick with Thank you.
25 nov. 2016 21:33
Réponses · 3
I'll stick with my decision. When writing an article, stick to one style throughout. Stick with me and you won't get lost. Couple of examples
26 novembre 2016
I stick with is like you are going with him for example " i will stick with you when we go to the mall" I stick to is like you are agreeing with a person or an idea for example " I stick to his idea about what the decorations migjt be fot christmas" I hope this helps [emoji][emoji]
25 novembre 2016
There is no real difference. Here are some examples of both: I stick to watching the news to find out what is happening in the world. I stick with watching alternative new channels to find out what is happening in the world. When it comes to my health, I stick with the recommendations of my doctor. When it comes to my health, I stick to natural remedies alone.
25 novembre 2016
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