Are 成绩表 and 成绩单 the same thing?
17 déc. 2016 16:51
Réponses · 8
“”成绩单“”和“”成绩表“是两种不同的东西。” 大家用点心吧! 大家去查一下汉语词典,“单”是“”单据“”的意思,“表”是表格、报表等等意思,那是两种不同的角度在看待事物,中国人是不会乱用这两个词的。一般来说,既然是单据,都是要写在纸上,或打印到纸上,当然,“表”打不打印到纸上都是可以的,因此,不能用打不到纸上来区分这两个东西。 两个功能目的是不同的,“单”的目的是了保存、通知、证据使用,而“表”的功能更多的为了统计、查找、计算、上报等等。 无论从哪方面来讲,“单”与“表”都是不同的,所以“成绩单”与“成绩表”也是两种不同的东西。
18 décembre 2016
I would say both are almost the same, but in specific conditions could use differently. for an example: this is belong a personal score report, we could mostly use 成绩单. http://www.toeicbridge.com.tw/img/bridge_score.jpg But 成绩表 we usually use in these examples. Like a teacher need to submit a table list of student scores in the final term or it could be in the midterm to an office of Academic Affairs, see below links in the result of searching Google graph http://i2.sinaimg.cn/IT/cr/2007/0620/1975493735.jpg if you google 成绩表, you will see more examples. This text column of this page is not allowed a url link is too long that I tried before.
18 décembre 2016
I think NO. 成绩单 should be yours, but 成绩表 can be a rank of the grades of all class, meaning it will involve other person.
18 décembre 2016
Yes, almost. The first one is more formal, like an official document while the other is used in a lesser formal setting. Thus 成绩表 has more authority and cannot be easily changed while the other one can be subjected to change, in another words, not finalized yet. So you can translate 成绩表 as "result report" while the other, "result list".
17 décembre 2016
成绩表 means the diagram or the table of the score. 成绩单 refers to the hard print of the diagram. So you can say the 成绩表 in the 成绩单.
17 décembre 2016
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