Michael Placid
what is difference between a dress and attire? what is difference between dress and attired page? attire refers to tire? like gown that wear for wedding some formal dress?
6 juin 2017 01:56
Réponses · 2
Right first of all there is a difference between dre and a dress. A dress is a type of clothing for a woman. It is long and covers the upper and lower parts of the body. Dress, is the clothes we wear - a much more general word. For example: She is wearing a red knee-length dress. I am wearing formal dress for this party. Dress and attire are generally the same thing. However, there are some situations where we would use one instead of the other. Attire we tend to use a bit more for formality. Dress we use for costume and national outfits.
6 juin 2017
Clothing is a basic clothing that is used to cover the body parts. Dress is everything we wear from head to toe.
6 juin 2017
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