What does "as such" mean here?? There're no heroes, and the left should't hold them up as such. I often see phrase "as such" at the end of the sentence...but don't get why it is used...what's the meaning of as such in the sentence?
23 août 2017 04:10
Réponses · 4
There are several uses of "as such." One is what Anna explained. In your sentence, I think "as such" means "as heroes." The "such" acts like a pronoun, so that you don't have to repeat the word "heroes." Another way of thinking about it: "as such" is short for "as being such a thing." Examples: "She is my boss, but I don't think of her as such" = "I don't think of her as my boss" = "I don't think of her as being such a thing."
23 août 2017
as such = in the exact sense of the word. "It is possible to stay overnight here although there is no guest house as such" By the way, the sentence you contains spelling mistakes.
23 août 2017
as such In the exact sense of the word. Synonyms in itself, of itself, by itself, as such, intrinsically
25 août 2017
Hi. In this sentence, you need to treat "as" and "such" separately. "Hold someone up as" is a set phrase, almost meaning "regard someone as; "such" refers to "heroes".
23 août 2017
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