About remain Could you help me with the usage of "remain" and "remain as".

Can the two phrase be used interchangeably? Or whats the difference between them?

For example , can I say "we remain friends" or "we remain as friends "

It remains as the most popular tourist attraction Or it remains the most popular tourist attraction

Thanks a lot!

9 déc. 2017 13:58
Réponses · 5
I think that in your example ""as" is being used as a synonym for "like". We remain like friends.
9 décembre 2017
They are the same... no difference.
9 décembre 2017
Remain can be used in the context of states. For example, i would like to remain alone. The state is of being alone. Other states could be: happy, free, occupied etc. Remain as, has a similar meaning, but, "remain as (state)" is not correct. You will see "remain as" when the write/speaker wants to give further information. For example, i want to remain as happy as possible. I want to remain free VS i want to remain as a free person. I want to remain american VS i want to remain as an american citizen. There is a subtle difference that is difficult to explain, but 'remain as' will usually be used to give more specificity to the sentence.
11 décembre 2017
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