use of "ur" I have encountered the following sentence : _ han går ut ur affaren. I suppose that means that he is going out of the shop. What is the use of this "ur" ? Can be replaced also by something else? Tack!
11 sept. 2018 09:19
Réponses · 4
ut ur = out of/out from Ur is here used as a preposition. It's used when something/someone emerges from something else. Ur can also most often be replaced by från/ifrån. Examples: Han kom ut ur huset = He came out of the house or He emerged from the house. Han kom ut från huset = He came out of the house.
11 septembre 2018
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Compétences linguistiques
Birman, Chinois (mandarin), Tchèque, Danois, Néerlandais, Anglais, Grec, Islandais, Norvégien, Polonais, Suédois, Vietnamien
Langue étudiée
Birman, Tchèque, Danois, Néerlandais, Islandais, Norvégien, Polonais, Suédois