What is difference between "tomo" and "tomodachi"? Hi! can anyone explain the difference between "tomo" and "tomodachi"? do they both mean friend?
3 févr. 2019 19:52
Réponses · 3
こんにちは。 I will answer your question. 「友達 ともだち Tomodachi」means "Friend". 「友 とも Tomo」=「共 とも Tomo」 It's means 1.The partner who always crosses familiarly.=Friend *Usually, this "友 とも Tomo" is used often in written language, but "友達 ともだち Tomodachi" is used in talking. 2.The person who shares will and a purpose./tovarich. 3.What someone likes and likes usually. By dictionary.
4 février 2019
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