"further to below" or "further to THE below"? Which is correct? Hi friends, Which is correct in the following context? "further to below" or "further to THE below"? (context: I am sending another email to the same person with regard to an item that has been missed out in my previous mail. Alex is my boss). If you were to write this email, what words would you use? 1) Further to below, Alex said that you have to get back to him with your feedback on the annual budget. 2) Further to THE below, Alex said that you have to get back to him with your feedback on the annual budget. Thanks in advance! Niwantha
11 févr. 2019 05:20
Réponses · 4
“Further to THE below” would be standard/common. “Further to below” would be understandable, but sounds weird without the “the.”
11 février 2019
Neither. Just "Further below..."
11 février 2019
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