What's the difference among disguise, masquerade, camouflage? What's the difference among disguise, masquerade, camouflage?
21 févr. 2019 09:41
Réponses · 2
A disguise is to hide your real/true appearance such that other people cannot recognize you. Can be from wearing piece of clothing, wig, etc. A masquerade comes from the word "mask" - This word masquerade probably comes from drama / theater plays when they used to wear a mask and therefore not showing their true face. It can apply to hiding physical look, but now generally applies to concealing (not showing 100%) your behavior or true personality (more emotional than physical). A camouflage relates more to the military where they apply something to hide/conceal items/yourself. But this is to make the item/yourself blend or looks like the environment.
30 avril 2019
Hey! A disguise is when you put on a clothe in order to pretend that you are someone else. Like, "I was disguised as a man" (I'm not a man, but I don't want people to find out). "Masquerade" is similar, but is not related to clothing. Is about a behavior. For example, you may be mean, but you marquerade as a good person. While "camouflage" can be either the conection of a disguise and a masquerade, OR, most likely, to hide on the woods. Hope I could be helpful.
21 février 2019
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