"persistence" & "perseverance" - do they have the same meaning or is there a difference? Hi friends, "persistence" and "perseverance" - do they have the same meaning or is there a difference? When I checked in the dictionary I felt like they have a similar meaning. Thanks in advance! Niwantha
14 mars 2019 10:36
Réponses · 8
Both dictionary definitions are the same it is only the way they are used that is different "you are so persistent" is how we would describe or react to someone who kept persisting never gave up trying to get or achieve their dreams. Borrow money from you, chase a girl romantically. "I admire your persistence or your perseverance" is how we would acknowledge someone's continuance in trying. it is just that originally like many English words they have two separate routes into English. In this case Latin and Old French. Both mean to be steadfast and to continue and the other means the same but with an older meaning of to endure attached to it. Now all but lost in current English. Endure which is attached to the meaning of perseverance = to under go or suffer without breaking. Persist = to hold steady and to continue. (you would do this anyway if you endured or persevered). This helps explain why we tend to respond subtly different to someone who continues like in my example sentences.
14 mars 2019
Hi Niwantha, they both mean "Tenacity" but "Persistance" has a more negative or neutral connotaction than "Perseverance". "Persistent" means stubborn/obstinate. For example: "A man who persistently invites a woman for dinner when she doesn't show any interest in him" may be annoying for the woman. He is persistent accordindg to the woman. The man, on the other hand, may fell perseverant (brave) in reaching his goal because he is really in love with her. So it really depends on how you look at the things. You can give to someone's tenacy a positive o negative connotation.
14 mars 2019
Persistence - firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Perseverance - is doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
14 mars 2019
yes it has same meaning
14 mars 2019
yes they are same in meaning
14 mars 2019
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