Johanna Cecelic
Disculpe, con permiso, and perdón I understand that all three of these terms can replace the English phrase “excuse me”. However, I am a little confused about when the best time to use each one is. My current understanding is: Disculpe - trying to get attention of someone (eg. your servers attention at a restaurant) Con permiso - translates to “with permission” and is used when passing by someone Perdón - can be used for any form of excuse me? Can you also say “disculpe” when passing by someone? Thanks for your help!
6 juil. 2019 14:20
Réponses · 5
.- When calling for attention: Perdone. Disculpe. Por favor. Perdón. .- to ask for a space (interrupt a line, or things like that) Permiso or Con permiso, Disculpe, perdón, perdone (you would use here "excuse me") .- If you want to say you are sorry: Lo siento. Disculpe. Excúseme. Perdón. Lo lamento.
6 juillet 2019
En Chile: -Permiso/¿Me da(s) permiso? (when passing by someone) -Disculpe/a: yes, trying to get someone's attention or interrupting. -Perdón/perdona/e, Perdóna/e-me, Disculpa/e-me: 1.Apologizing but also disculpa works for this. 2. Desagreeing. Examples: (At a restaurant) -Disculpa/e, me traes sal par favor. (Apologizing)- Quiero disculparme/Quiero pedir disculpas por llegar tarde, disculpa/e por llegar tarde or Quiero pedir perdón por el error que cometí. Perdón/a/e/ame/eme por el error que cometí. *Yes, I would use "perdón" for something worse* (Disagreeing)- Disculpa/disculpe/discúlpame/discúlpeme or Perdón/perdona/perdone/perdóname/perdóneme pero no estoy de acuerdo con la medida.
8 juillet 2019
hi! you're rigth in her understanding, in spanish all of them terms are used as well as you explain. Perdon also have two meanings, as "pardon" and as "sorry"
6 juillet 2019
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