At the beginning of a speech: what is the correct greeting? like "Good morning ladies and gentlemen" but when it's midday - not evening
25 mars 2008 16:25
Réponses · 10
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." :)
25 mars 2008
If it is a formal speech, then use "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." This is not only poilte, but it shows respect also. "Hi or hello everyone" you would use in a less formal, casual situation. :-)
4 avril 2008
good afternoon
25 mars 2008
Hi. Is it correct to say- "A pleasant afternoon ma'am *teacher's name* everyone. " "Let me introduce to you our topic for this report" Need help. Ty
27 août 2022
Start with ladies and gentlemen
5 avril 2008
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