Jade M.
Enseignant professionnel
Here is a new vocabulary (and general knowledge) quiz!
Which of the following animals is a mammal?
200 réponse(s)
8 sept. 2024 16:27
Réponses · 3
Dolphins are mammals.
8 sept. 2024 18:22
No , I think it's figure of speech to tell they are are teamed up and teasing him.
8 sept. 2024 16:38
Mammal's are the animals which can feed.
8 sept. 2024 16:37
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Jade M.
Compétences linguistiques
Chinois (mandarin), Tchèque, Anglais, Gaélique (mannois), Allemand, Hindi, Polonais, Russe, Serbe, Ukrainien
Langue étudiée
Chinois (mandarin), Tchèque, Hindi, Polonais, Russe, Serbe, Ukrainien