Is it grammatically correct and sound natural? My friend and I made peace after a long period of disagreement.
21 nov. 2024 15:29
Réponses · 8
Yes, it’s grammatically correct and sounds natural! It’s a clear and polite way to express that you resolved a conflict. Great sentence!
22 novembre 2024
Yes The phrase is grammatically correct and sounds natural. It clearly conveys the idea that you and your friend have resolved your differences after a significant time apart. You could also say : 1. "My friend and I reconciled after a long period of conflict."** 2. "After a lengthy disagreement, my friend and I found common ground." 3. "My friend and I buried the hatchet after a long time of disagreement." 4. "After a protracted disagreement, my friend and I made amends." 5. "My friend and I restored our friendship after a long disagreement."
21 novembre 2024
это неплохо
21 novembre 2024
Is it correct and does it sound natural?
23 novembre 2024
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