Chinois (mandarin)
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Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Yu Hou.

Yu Hou

Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

拥有二十多年经验和国际认证的中文老师 我在教学开始的时候会通过对话预估学生的中文水平,提供与学生水平相符的课件进行近一步沟通,根据学生的学习特点和水平制作学习计划,并与学生沟通。同时以学生的学习需求和目标为出发点,在学习中了解学生所学知识的难点和学习问题,安排合理的课堂环境,同时制作个性化的课件。 在教授儿童时我会根据不同年龄阶段儿童的心理特点,通过制作小道具,唱儿歌、讲成语故事、做游戏、让孩子在寓教于乐中爱上中文。对于学习口语的学生,我会为他们设计不同的情景对话,讲学生带入现实的生活状态中巩固口语 。 对于学习HSK的学生,我会将生动的PPT动画课件结合课文的知识点学习,学生通过生动的PPT课件产生浓厚的学习兴趣,然后通过同步练习题和模拟试题达到精讲多练的学习目的,帮助学生HSK考级一次成功上岸。 At the beginning of teaching, I will estimate the students' Chinese level through dialogue and provide courseware that matches the students' level.At the same time, students' learning needs and goals are the starting point,Arrange a reasonable classroom environment, while making personalized courseware,Help students succeed in HSK

USD 9.00/essai
Disponible Demain à 00:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur echo.

906 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

工作之余,经常无偿帮助我的客户练习汉语口语,会想办法帮助他们解决学习中遇到的一些困难,在跟他们交流的过程中,积累了帮助他们学习的经验和方法,彼此之间的信任也坚定了自己走上汉语教学这条道路的信心,相信自己会帮助跟多的学生掌握好汉语这门语言。 I have been always helped my clients to practice their oral skills after work, I always find ways to help them solve the difficulties encountered in learning. In the process of communicating with them, I have accumulated experience and methods to help the learners to learn faster and efficient. Trust between me and my clients has also strengthened my confidence in embarking on the path of Chinese teaching, and I believe that I will help more students master the language of Chinese.

USD 10.00/essai
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 12:30
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur wanwan.

273 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

拥有超过5年的汉教经历 In my class, there are a lot emphasis on speaking and listening, which for me is the most important part learning a language, it might be a bit hard in the beginning, but you will find that how much you have improved your Chinese after taking some classed with me. And in classes, I will teach you not only new lessons but also some interesting expression and review. I am not only a language teacher, but also teach you how to learn a language well and will take you to a tour of Chinese culture at the same time to know more about the country as well as its people.

USD 5.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Alba.

292 leçons


Enseignant professionnelid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

Professional Mandarin Chinese Teacher with 10 years of teaching experience I am a Chinese teacher with teaching experience in China, Thailand and Ireland for many years. I obtained two degrees in language teaching. My students are from different backgrounds and at different age groups. I have a deep understanding of student learning and comprehension. I love communicating with different learners based on their interests and needs. I love teaching. I think learning a new language is a happy journey with passion and motivation. I am here to help you progress in this exciting Chinese language learning journey. Believe me, it will be fun and meaningful with me.

USD 8.90/essai
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 22:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Brittany.

434 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

语言鬼才快乐学中文~ 1. 我有来自乌克兰、德国、美国、法国、新西兰、韩国的学生,我帮助他们说更好的中文,也帮助他们来中国留学,帮助他们了解更多关于中国的文化,比如结婚文化、节日文化等。 1. I have students from Ukraine, Germany, the United States, France, New Zealand, and South Korea. I help them speak better Chinese, help them come to China to study, and help them learn more about Chinese culture, such as wedding culture and festivals. Culture etc. 2. 课堂轻松愉快,充满热情,我希望我们能像朋友一样交流。 The class is relaxed and enjoyable. I am also full of enthusiasm and energy! I hope we can communicate like friends! 3. 不管是零基础的中文学习者还是中高级的语言学习者,我都能寻找到合适的教学方式,让你更好的掌握中文。 Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate or advanced Chinese learner, I can find suitable teaching methods to help you better master Chinese.

USD 15.00/Heure
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 12:30
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur GAOGAO 高高.

463 leçons


Enseignant professionnelid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

I was a Chinese teacher in Colombia (2 years) and France (5 years). Most time I taught in primary schools or high schools, but I also have some one-on-one teaching experiences for adults.

USD 5.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur 雅望 Aya.

176 leçons

雅望 Aya

Tuteur communautaireid verified
Préparation de test
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

1. Have teaching experience. I have been helping my foreign friends to learn Chinese for more than five years. From pronunciation, words and simple sentences, to understanding articles and writing small articles on topics such as daily life, current politics and hot news. 2. Patient and responsible. I will try my best to help you correct your pronunciation, understand and use the new knowledge. 3. Oral practice. I will make sure to give you enough time to speak more.

USD 6.50/essai
Disponible Demain à 01:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Yiling.

162 leçons


Enseignant professionnelid verified
Préparation de test
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (cantonais)

Certified Chinese Teacher with 7+ Years Experience|Beginner to Advanced |Conversation |Patient 😊 - With 7 years of dedicated teaching experience, I can make your learning Chinese enjoyable: - Experience teaching students of different levels and backgrounds: I worked as a Chinese teacher at the Confucius Institute in Italy for two years, which gave me experience teaching Chinese at different levels and students from different cultural backgrounds. - Personalized Chinese Learning method: Years of experience teaching personalized one-on-one and small group lessons tailored to your level and goals. - HSK: worked as an HSK tutor, and passed HSK easily with me. - Patient and friendly: Study with me just like study with a friend, I am patient and outgoing.

USD 10.00/essai
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 18:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Sophie Lin.

186 leçons

Sophie Lin

Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

5 years experience. Teaching is my passion. I’m very patient with my students. I not only teach Chinese as a language, but also share Chinese culture. I always believe that textbooks aren't always right, I like helping my students learn Chinese naturally.

USD 6.00/essai
Disponible Demain à 00:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Axia.

418 leçons


Enseignant professionnelid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

20 + years of teaching experience. Friendly, encouraging class. 1. 20 years experience of teaching English in China 2. 16 months experience of teaching Mandarin in America 3. tutoring experiences of teaching people aging from 7 to 40 4 on- line teaching experience to both Chinese and foreigners

USD 8.00/essai
Disponible Demain à 01:30
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Christie.

443 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (cantonais)

Certified Mandarin teacher and English teacher +4 years teaching experience/持证上岗+经验丰富+快乐学习 Chinese teaching experiences • Holding the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speaks of other Languages (CTCSOL) • Have worked as a Mandarin assistant at Webster University English teaching experiences • Have worked as a private tutor for many Chinese students. • Have helped people from France, Russia, and Taiwan, China with their speaking. • Have helped 2 girls reach their IELTS goals. • Multiple experiences in university applications including writing resume, motivation letters, and interviews 中文教学经验 • 拥有国际汉语教师资格证,普通话二级甲等 • 曾在韦伯斯特大学中文社团担任助教 英文教学经验 • 持有高中英语教师资格证 • 两段外企工作经历 • 雅思听说读写辅导经验 • 考研英文面试经验 • 曾DIY成功申请到纽约大学,乔治华盛顿大学,蒙特雷,伦敦大学国王学院等,可辅导留学简历文书模拟面试

USD 8.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur feng jiayin.

56 leçons

feng jiayin

Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (shanghaïen)

I am a full-time Chinese teacher at Korea International High School. I have been teaching Chinese Conversation for 10 years, not only I have a lot of one-to-one and group online teaching experiences, but also, I have taught students between the ages of 15 and 70. I am very familiar with online education, so I think I have enough strength to be a Chinese teacher. If you are willing to learn, I will do my best to help you overcome the language barrier. 상해 대하교에서 졸업.10 년동안 중국어 를 가르친 경험있다.강남 유명한어학원 를가르친 경험있다‍. 방송구 감독,프로듀서 를가르친 경험 있다.대기업 단체 수업 를가르친 경험 있다.영어 유치원 키즈중국어 를가르친 경험 있다. 중국어입문, 초,중,고 급 중국어 회화전문 1:1 과외 경험있다 .현 국재고등중국어 교사.

USD 5.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Li Lu.

411 leçons

Li Lu

Enseignant professionnelid verified
Préparation de test
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

My curiosity of learning and passion for teaching led me to pursue a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL). Once graduating from university, I entered an online-teaching company in Shanghai as an English teaching and research teacher. Now I am a Chinese teacher in a university.

USD 9.90/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Lea Wang.

1,387 leçons

Lea Wang

Enseignant professionnelid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

Certified IELTS teacher with 15 years of teaching experience I have been teaching Chinese since 2007 when I was in France. My students are from all levels: from beginner to HSK6. Meanwhile, I worked in international companies for several years, so it won’t be a problem for me to help you improve your business Chinese.

USD 6.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Lydia.

438 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (hokkien)

Top 1% of Italki Chinese teacher in 2022; CTCSOL certificate holder;10000hours teaching experiences 경력 教学经历 Teaching experiences: 2017.08-2018.12 Korean ECK telephone Chinese teacher 2017.08~2018.12 한국 ECK 전화 중국어 강사 2017.08~2018.12 韩国ECK电话中文教师 2018.04~2022.12 Korean tutoring Chinese study platform popular tutor (accumulative teaching hours: more than 7000+ hours) 2018.04~2022.12 한국 튜터링 플랫폼 중국어 5년차 베테랑강사 ( 누적 강의 시간7000 hours 이상) 2018.04~202212. 韩国tutoring中文学习平台人气教师(累计授课达7000+小时以上) 2021.12~현재 중국 광저우 LG, 현대,대성 가스 기업체 중국어 출강강사 2021.12~至今 中国广州LG,现代,大成电器等企业外国职员中文培训讲师 2021.12~now, lecturer of Chinese training for foreign employees of Guangzhou LG, Hyundai, Dacheng Electric and so on.

USD 10.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Kyan.

140 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (cantonais)

I am fairly new in teaching Chinese and Cantonese , so we will be learning together I am very patient and my main goal is to improve your Chinese and learn in a happy way.

USD 5.00/essai
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Zoey.

5 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (cantonais)

Native Mandarin/Cantonese speaker here to make sure you’ll not be scared of speaking Chinese again. Recently I moved to France and l’m still wrapping my head around that new language. You’re starting to learn Mandarin/Cantonese? Don’t worry, I’m here with you! I understand all the fears and difficulties of talking in a new language, believe me! To practice speaking, the sooner the better. After all, we learn languages to communicate, right?

USD 8.00/essai
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 08:30
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Michael  W.

907 leçons

Michael W

Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)

A Patient and Experienced Teacher with Standard Mandarin. I have 4 year teaching experience. i have already taught more than 200 students from all over the world. so I'm familiar with mistakes students usually make, and I'm in a good position to help you improve your Chinese quickly.

USD 5.00/essai
Disponible Aujourd'hui à 11:30
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Yukee kids/HSK.

845 leçons

Yukee kids/HSK

Enseignant professionnelid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (autre)

Certified Chinese teacher with over 6 years of teaching experience~ For teaching Chinese, I've been teaching one-on-one online since 2017, my students range in age from 6 to 65. I’m good at correcting pronunciation and explaining grammar, and focus on the research of teaching methods suitable for each student. I love to teach in a fun way. I want my students to be happy and feel successful after our class. I am happy to help my students meet their goals in Chinese! Our lessons will give the students valuable practice in all 4 skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To ensure that students will learn and master practical and real Chinese sentence pat-terns and be able to use what they have learned flexibly.

USD 10.00/essai
Disponible Demain à 00:00
Apprends le Chinois (mandarin) avec le professeur Janine.

766 leçons


Tuteur communautaireid verified
SPEAKS :Chinois (mandarin)
Chinois (cantonais)

I have taught and tutored students from various countries and regions for their Chinese studies especially their speaking and pronunciation and also helped students from some Asian countries and regions with their oral English and IELTS test before, so I am sort of experienced in crosscultural and multilingual communication and interaction. 我曾为来自不同国家和地区的国际留学生讲授和辅导过汉语的学习,我也曾帮助一些亚洲国家和地区的学生练习英语口语和准备雅思考试。 我以前都有幫過啲不同國家同地區嘅國際留學生練中文,亦都有幫過啲亞洲國家同地區嘅學生練英文口語同埋準備雅思考試。

USD 5.00/essai
Les paiements seront effectués en dollars américains (USD)

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