我們住在香港,一直以來我們也以身為中國人為驕傲,Teacher Dave也一直非常尊重我們中國文化和傳統,這三年多以來我們跟Dave上了一百多節課,我們上至天文下至地理都聊過,大家看看評價就知道他的學生來自世界各地,很多學生來自中國,給的全是一面倒的好評。
我們跟老師的時區是顛倒的,但我跟朋友寧願早點起床也要上他的課,因為他是我們遇過最專業的英語老師,每節課他總是竭盡全力把最好的知識和學習方法傳授給學生,我的小孩也因為有他的專業指導順利考獲B2 first Grade A的佳績。要不是因為有滿腔教學熱誠,哪裏會有英美老師收取這樣相宜的價錢去給你上課?大家都知道外面的英美老師上一節課是200 HKD 起,希望那些動不動就拿種族歧視作話題的人,真的不要再出來丟我們中國人的臉了。
We lived in HK, Over the past 3 years, We have had more than 100 lessons with Teacher Dave, he has always respected our Chinese culture & traditions as he has students from all over the world & many students are from China too. Everyone has overwhelming praise for Teacher Dave which he truly deserved. He is the most professional English teacher we have ever met. He does his best to teach in every class and imparted the best knowledge & learning methods to his students and my child successfully got Grade A in B2 first Cambridge exam by Teacher Dave's professional guidance. I hope those who always use racism as a topic will stop embarrass us Chinese.
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8 avr. 2024