Hey you!🛑Native Balk speaker: Serbian,Bosnian,Croatian and Montenegrin.Certified teacher for Greek!
Hey you!🛑Native Balk speaker: Serbian,Bosnian,Croatian and Montenegrin.Certified teacher for Greek!
À propos de moi
Moi en tant que professeur
Mes leçons et ma méthode d'enseignement
De Bosnie-HerzégovineLieu de résidence : Other, Bosnie-Herzégovine (12:20 UTC+01:00)
À propos de moi
Professeur italki depuis le 18 Jun 2021
Sujets d'intérêtSportMusiqueLecture
Hi everyone! My name is Davor and I come from Bosnia. As u can see in the video I have finished Millitary Acadamy and now I`m working in the Army where I teach to the students foreign languages. My native language is Serbian but I also speak very well English, Greek and a little bit of German. Like the most of the young people I like to travel, watch TV shows, listen to music, hangout with my family and friends and to do some sports, especially football.
Здраво! Моје име је Давор и долазим из Босне. Као што видите у видео снимку, завршио сам војну акадeмију, а сада радим у војсци где студентима предајем стране језике. Мој матерњи језик је српски, али такође одлично говорим енглески и грчки.
Mes créations
Moi en tant que professeur
I find myself as a teacher as very able, creative, energetic, flexible, hardworking and innovative person. At the end you will see that during my classes :)
Cматрам се као наставник као врло способна, креативна, енергична, флексибилна, вредна и иновативна особа. На крају ћете то видети током мојих часова :)
Mes leçons et ma méthode d'enseignement
My lessons and teaching style, even tough I work in the Army, are full of relaxing atmosphere, humor and jokes. We will achieve your goal in one easy way. With no orders or me being strict :)
Моје лекције и стил поучавања, чак и ако радим у војсци, пуни су опуштајуће атмосфере, хумора и шала. Постићи ћемо ваш циљ на један једноставан начин. Без наредби или ја строг :)
Basic Montenegrin for Travelers - crnogorski za putnike i turiste
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Mes créations
Quiz (227)
49 avis
26 leçons en Serbe
Choix du professeur
I have been doing lessons with Davor for the last 8 months or so, and being from the other side of the world, recently we met up in Banja Luka, Bosnia. Not only did he help me to prepare for the trip, but also he helped me a lot when I got there, being in a new city, it was really helpful. Amazing teacher and person, couldn't recommend enough.
13 sept. 2024
17 leçons en Monténégrin
Choix du professeur
Davor is an incredible teacher on iTalki! His grasp of Serbo-Croatian is superb and he does a wonderful job of weaving together both conversational practice and written materials. He's been a big help in getting me to feel comfortable speaking and reading Serbo-Croatian, and I look forward to every class of ours!
(He also has a great sense of humor).
10 juil. 2022
1 leçon en Bosnien
Davor was very friendly and picked me up at my current language level.
26 nov. 2024
21 leçons en Bosnien
Choix du professeur
I really appreciated the Bosnian course with Davor! He is really competent and accurate in correcting my spelling and this is essential for me. Beyond his teaching competence as a Brazilian I truly liked his positive and warm personality. I certainly recommend him as a language teacher.
7 déc. 2022
Warisa Pengsawat
3 leçons en Bosnien
I just finished my first lesson with Davor and he was very nice and very help me get to know Bosnian language. Im excited to continue the next session with him ! And absolutely you guys should take a class with him
31 janv. 2025
Adem Suloodza
3 leçons en Bosnien
Very good Teaching. It exceeded my hopes.
1 nov. 2024
Leçon d'essai
USD 9.95
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