2022年12月21号 - 圣诞节倒计时开启 (Intermediate)
2022年12月21号 - 圣诞节倒计时开启 (Intermediate)
2022년 12월 21일
朋友们你们好! 随着圣诞节进入倒计时,节日氛围越来越浓厚了。 对圣诞节我们每个人都有充满期待,对吧? 今天为大家准备的零食,你们试一下,边听边猜, 怎么样? 我前几天在一个商店里,听到有人说她每年都会很期待圣诞节。 我想,我今年听过对圣诞节最好的期待理由就是她所说的那个。 为什么呢? 她说圣诞节跟春节不一样。春节跟家人一起,又热闹又开心。 圣诞节呢,在这么寒冷的冬天,很难离开被窝出门。不过,一想到圣诞节可以跟心爱的人一起度过,我们就会选择出门感受一下城市的圣诞气息。 很简单对不对? 你呢?你期待圣诞节的理由是什么? 希望大家都有一个温暖,快乐的圣诞节! 词语: 随着 [suí zhe] along with; in the wake of; following 圣诞节 [shèng dàn jié] Christmas time; Christmas season; Christmas 倒计时 [dào jì shí] to count down; countdown 节日 [jié rì] holiday; festival 氛围 [fēn wéi] ambience; atmosphere 浓厚 [nóng hòu] dense; thick (fog, clouds etc) 充满 [chōng mǎn] full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 期待 [qī dài] to look forward to; to await; expectation 猜 [cāi] to guess 理由 [lǐ yóu] reason; grounds; justification 春节 [chūn jié] Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 寒冷 [hán lěng] cold (climate); frigid; very cold 离开 [lí kāi] to depart; to leave 被窝 [bèi wō] quilt wrapped around the body as a tube 出门 [chū mén] to go out; to leave home 度过 [dù guò] to pass; to spend (time) 选择 [xuǎn zé] to select; to pick; choice; option 感受 [gǎn shòu] to sense; perception; to feel (through the senses) 气息 [qì xī] breath; smell; odor; flavor 简单 [jiǎn dān] simple; not complicated 温暖 [wēn nuǎn] warm
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