3. How to ask about the date(今天几月几号)
3. How to ask about the date(今天几月几号)
2022년 3월 11일
From this episode, we are going to learn how to talk and ask about the date. Q:今天几月几号?/今天几号?(What’s the date today?) jīn tiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào ? /jīn tiān jǐ hào ? A:今天三月七号。(Today is March 7th ) . jīn tiān sān yuè qī hào . Q:今天星期几?(What is day is it today?) jīn tiān xīng qī jǐ ? A:今天星期一。(Today is Monday.) jīn tiān xīng qī yī . Q:三月八号星期几?(What is the day of March 7th?) sān yuè bā hào xīng qī jǐ ?. A:星期二。(Tuesdady.) xīng qī èr Days: 星期一xīng qī yī(Monday)、星期二xīng qī èr(Tuesday)、星期三xīng qī sān(Wednesday)、星期四xīng qī sì(Thursday)、星期五xīng qī wǔ(Friday)、星期六xīng qī liù(Saturday)、星期日xīng qī rì/星期天xīng qī tiān(Sunday) Months: 一月yī yuè(January)、二月èr yuè(February)、三月sān yuè(March)、四月sì yuè(April)、五月wǔ yuè(May)、六月liù yuè(June)、七月qī yuè(July)、八月bā yuè(August)、九月jiǔ yuè(September)、十月shí yuè(October)、十一月shí yī yuè(November)、十二月shí èr yuè(December) Days of a month: 一号hào、二号、三号……三十一号(From 1st to 31st )
팟캐스트 채널
Daily Conversation(日常对话)