2022년 12월 21일
第十章:变老 我的朋友带着他的小羊已经离去六年了。 Six years have already passed since my friend went away from me, with his sheep. 我之所以在这里尽力把他描写出来,就是为了不要忘记他。 If I try to describe him here, it is to make sure that I shall not forget him. 忘记一个朋友,这太叫人悲伤了。 To forget a friend is sad. 并不是所有的人都有过一个朋友。 Not every one has had a friend. 再说,我也可能变成那些大人那样,只对数字感兴趣。 And if I forget him, I may become like the grown-ups who are no longer interested in anything but figures... 也正是为了这个缘故,我买了一盒颜料和一些铅笔。 It is for that purpose, again, that I have bought a box of paints and some pencils. 像我这样年纪的人, It is hard to take up drawing again at my age, 而且除了六岁时画过闭着肚皮的和开着肚皮的巨蟒外,别的什么也没有尝试过,现在,重新再来画画,真费劲啊! when I have never made any pictures except those of the boa constrictor from the outside and the boa constrictor from the inside, since I was six. 当然,我一定要把这些画尽量地画得逼真, I shall certainly try to make my portraits as true to life as possible. 但我自己也没有把握。 But I am not at all sure of success. 一张画得还可以,另一张就不像了。 One drawing goes along all right, and another has no resemblance to its subject. 还有身材大小,我画得有点不准确。在这个地方小王子画得太大了些,另一个地方又画得太小了些。 I make some errors, too, in the little prince's height: in one place he is too tall and in another too short. 对他衣服的颜色我也拿不准。 And I feel some doubts about the color of his costume. 于是我就摸索着这么试试那么改改,画了个大概。 So I fumble along as best I can, now good, now bad, and I hope generally fair-to-middling. 我很可能在某些重要的细节上画错了。 In certain more important details I shall make mistakes, also. 这就得请大家原谅我了。 But that is something that will not be my fault. 因为我的这个朋友,从来也不加说明解释。 My friend never explained anything to me. 他认为我同他一样。 He thought, perhaps, that I was like himself. 可是,很遗憾,我却不能透过盒子看见小羊。 But I, alas, do not know how to see sheep through the walls of boxes. 我大概有点和大人们差不多。 Perhaps I am a little like the grown-ups. 我一定是变老了。 I have had to grow old.
팟캐스트 채널
小王子-The Little Prince-Read in Chinese