Common Homophones (words that sound alike)
Common Homophones (words that sound alike)
2022년 7월 17일
Homophones: each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling, for example new and knew. “You bare your skin when you wear a bikini.” Bear: 1) To endure or carry on. 2) A large furry animal “There is someone in the bear cage! I can’t bear to watch!” Bored: Having a lack of interest. “I was so bored during that speech. I almost fell asleep.” Board: 1) A thin flat piece of material. 2) The decision-makers within an organization. “The board of directors at the Surf Club have decided which surf board we should use.” Toe: You have five of them on each foot. “I stubbed my toe today and it’s still throbbing.” Tow: To pull another vehicle, possibly by a rope or chains. “After a car accident a tow truck will come and tow your vehicle away.” Through: Going in on one side and coming out the other. “The road is blocked and I can’t get through. There might be an accident.” Threw: To hurl, or to propel with force (the past tense of ‘throw’). “He threw the ball really fast.” Meet: To encounter “I will meet you tomorrow around 3 PM.” Meat: The flesh of an animal that’s eaten as food. “What meat would you like for dinner, chicken or beef?” Break: 1) To interrupt something. 2) To shatter or fracture. “We should take a break from dancing before we break our backs.” Brake: A device for stopping a vehicle. “I need to get my car checked, I think the brakes are going.” I hope this clears things up a bit for you. Still confused? Ask questions in your next class, we will be happy to help.
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