Episode 7: Small talk at work: an English learner’s guide
Episode 7: Small talk at work: an English learner’s guide
2022년 3월 17일
Picture this: you’re standing at the coffee machine and a colleague comes over. You don’t know him very well. You both say hello and then you can’t think of much to say. You mumble* something about the weather (if you are British this is a sure thing. We love to talk about the weather) and then… nothing. Your mind goes blank* and you stand awkwardly looking at the coffee, wondering why it is taking so long to make… Or picture this: you’ve joined a meeting online and there are one or two colleagues already there. You’re waiting for others to join and you have to pass the time. But the same thing happens … you can’t think of anything interesting to say and there is awkward silence…. In these situations we need small talk. 👉 Book a class with me today: www.italki.com/teacher/8719362
팟캐스트 채널
Engine English