Episode 1.5 : Self-introduction [Advanced]
Episode 1.5 : Self-introduction [Advanced]
2023년 12월 25일
My podcast, "にほんご聞こう" (Let's Listen to Japanese), starts today. This podcast is designed for people at various levels of Japanese proficiency, so I've made adjustments in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and speaking speed. I speak slowly in Episode 1. In the next episode, 1.5, I'll be speaking at a regular pace. Furthermore, the content of the second episode has additional information, so listening to both can be fun for comparison. Transcript >> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UhstapJOXy4M6RAd3Tk8BV-2eVTKQoRi/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113327799381827760818&rtpof=true&sd=true
팟캐스트 채널
にほんご聞こう! Let's listen to Japanese!