帮助别人最快乐 - Helping others is the happiest thing
帮助别人最快乐 - Helping others is the happiest thing
2022년 11월 10일
Chinese simplified version: 老师告诉大家,我们要常常帮助人。 平平想:“我要怎么做呢?” 平平等红绿灯的时候,看见一位老爷爷想过马路。平平牵着老爷爷的手,一起过马路。 平平去市场的时候,看见一位老奶奶买了很多东西。 平平帮老奶奶拿篮子。 平平看到一位小女孩在哭,她找不到妈妈。 平平带她找妈妈。 平平回家了,告诉妈妈今天他做了什么。 妈妈说:“你真棒! 你帮助了很多人。” 妈妈又说:“现在可以请你帮我倒垃圾吗?” Traditional Chinese version: 老師告訴大家,我們要常常幫助人。 平平想:“我要怎麼做呢?” 平平等紅綠燈的時候,看見一位老爺爺想過馬路。平平牽著老爺爺的手,一起過馬路。 平平去市場的時候,看見一位老奶奶買了很多東西。平平幫老奶奶拿籃子。 平平看到一位小女孩在哭,她找不到媽媽。平平帶她找媽媽。 平平回家了,告訴媽媽今天他做了什麼。 媽媽說:“你真棒! 你幫助了很多人。” 媽媽又說:“現在可以請你幫我倒垃圾嗎?” English translation: The teacher told everyone that we should often help people. Ping Ping thought: "What should I do?" When Pingping was at the traffic light, he saw an old man. He held the grandfather's hand and crossed the road together. When Ping went to the market, he saw an old woman with lots of things. He helped her to carry some baskets. Ping saw a girl crying. She couldn’t find her mom. Ping helped her to look for her mom. Ping went back home and told his mom what he had done today. Mom said, “You are so nice! You’ve helped a lot of people.” Mom said, “Now, can you help me throw the carbage?”
팟캐스트 채널
Yasmine's Chinese Reading - elementary