Teacher William
전문 강사
Superlative Trivia!
What is the fastest animal in the world?
A peregrine falcon
A golden eagle
A cheetah
A blue marlin
143명 참여함
2024년 10월 18일 오후 1:09
답변 · 2
Google says it's the falcon, but that's only based on how fast it drops. First it needs to climb and that's a slow process. Plus, I'm pretty sure if you dropped a Marlin from a high place, its aerodynamics and mass would make it fall faster than a falcon if it wanted to. Also, space shuttle crews go upwards about 100 times faster than any falcon has ever gone downwards. So it's not as easy as just saying it's the falcon.
2024년 10월 18일 오후 6:45
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