Huan Ng
Payment methods have been significantly changed in the way that facilitates payers over the last decade. This is because technology advances especially, in the banking sector and cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. For instance, people nowadays can make an instant payment after their purchase in a supermarket by simply tapping their phone against an EFTPOS machine. This truly saves buyers any difficulties if they forget to carry cash or a credit card. Using a digital currency like Bitcoin in transactions, on the other hand, is totally disparate from any typical payment methods that we have ever experienced in the past. Financial banks, in this case, no longer are a middle man between merchants and purchasers, which prevents the government from taxing any individuals who involve in the transactions. ***Any professional corrections would be highly appreciated***
2021년 6월 14일 오후 2:52
교정 · 2
Thank you Wenwei for your correction. One question if you don't mind. Instead of writing "...individuals involved in the transactions.", could I write "...individuals who are involved in the transactions." ? and which one sounds more natural?
2021년 6월 14일
Payment methods have been significantly changed in the way that we facilitate transactions between businesses and consumers over the last decade. This is due to technology advances--especially in the banking sector--and cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. For instance, people nowadays can make an instant payment after their purchase in a supermarket by simply tapping their phone against an EFTPOS machine. This truly saves buyers any difficulties if they forget to carry cash or a credit card. Using a digital currency like Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a disparate transactional exchange from any typical payment methods that we have ever experienced in the past. Financial banks, in this case, no longer are a middle man between merchants and purchasers, which prevents the government from taxing any individuals involved in the transactions. ***Any professional corrections would be highly appreciated***
Hope this helps! I made a couple minor changes to your wording for clarity and use of a consistent tone and register throughout this paragraph.
2021년 6월 14일
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