Become a tutor
2021년 6월 23일 오후 2:40
답변 · 6
2023년 6월 7일
Hi there. I would like to become a tutor. I have taught English for around 28 years in Argentina. Can sb help me? This is my first time in italki...Thanks in advance.
2024년 1월 3일 오전 1:58
2024년 3월 29일 오전 3:10
2024년 2월 25일 오전 10:34
Good day I would really love to become a tutor. I have been teaching for 6 years. I would really appreciate the opportunity to become a tutor. With six years of tutoring experience i have gained a lot of insight with regards to learning styles and how to accommodate each learning style with lesson planning as the backbone of each lesson
2024년 1월 31일 오전 8:02
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