전문 강사
Share: As the virus(病毒bìng dú) continues to mutate, the most effective way to protect(保护bǎo hù) yourself is to be vaccinated(接种jiē zhòng疫苗yì miáo) as soon as possible. This was a image from Shanghai which I saw online this morning, where the government (政府zhèng fǔ)implemented a lottery event(抽奖chōu jiǎng活动huó dòng) to encourage people to be vaccinated, with the biggest prize being an iPhone 12. Have you been vaccinated now?· does government in your country or region introduce anything to encourage people to get vaccinated? Welcome to share your opinion in the comment area. Hi, I'm Vera, a certificated Chinese teacher who would love to share Chinese information and answer or discuss questions in the community😊 Follow me and make progress 📈every day.
2021년 6월 25일 오전 1:29
언어 구사 능력
중국어(북경어), 중국어(광동어), 중국어(기타), 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 스페인어
학습 언어
중국어(광동어), 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 스페인어