Which one is correct: Do sport or do sportS? E. g my doctor recommends I do sport three times a week
2023년 5월 4일 오후 8:38
답변 · 16
In English, American English at least, we don't really say 'to do sport' like how it's used in when referring to 'exercise' type activities, like: running, yoga, weight lifting, gym stuff, etc. In your example, we would just say '...he recommends I exercise 3 days a week.' Usage of sport is usually restricted to playing some kind of game/sport like soccer, basketball, tennis, etc. Swimming might be referred to as a sport if it's on a team or as part of some kind of competition or club...otherwise I'd just refer to swimming as exercise. We could say: "what sport do you like?" "did you do any sports in school," "I like playing sports," etc.
2023년 5월 5일
"Do sport" is wrong. "Do sports" is ok. "Do some sports" and "do a sport" are better. "Engage in sports (or 'in some sport")" is still better.
2023년 5월 6일
Do sport -to exercise. Do sports - football, basketball, hockey, etc.
2023년 5월 4일
2023년 5월 5일
Best: My doctor recommends that I exercise three times a week.
2023년 5월 5일
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