minh bach
What does "hold me up, tie me down" mean? I heard it in a song called "Tie me down"
2020년 11월 17일 오후 3:32
답변 · 2
Often we say someone is “holding us up” when they are slow getting ready to go somewhere. This could be used for life in general too, someone is “holding us up” and keeping us from our goals. “Tie me down” is often used in the expression “I don’t want to be tied down to just one person”, meaning no committed relationship. So in the song, the lyrics indicate that he does want to the person to “hold him up” or stay with him because he is not going anywhere. “Tie him down” means he wants to stay in the relationship. Others may have more to add, hope this helps.
2020년 11월 17일
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2022년 4월 25일
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