Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favourite home spot, blowing on the surface of my coffee latte and watching the stream rise as looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. I hope you all are doing well!
2024년 9월 29일 오전 8:40
교정 · 5
Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favourite spot in my home, blowing on the surface of my latte while watching the stream rise as I look out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. I hope you all are doing well!
2024년 9월 29일 오후 7:34
Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favourite home spot, blowing on the surface of my coffee latte and watching the steam (I think this is what you mean?) rise as I’m looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. I hope you all are doing well!
2024년 9월 29일 오후 4:24
Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favourite home spot, blowing on the surface of my coffee latte and watching the stream(?) rise while looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. I hope you all are doing well! Perhaps you did this intentionally, but I wish to point out that you are talking in present participles. You have used not one single active verb. Try typing the following into ChatGPT and see what results you get: "Please type the sentence "Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favorite home spot, blowing on the surface of my coffee latte and watching the steam rise while looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance' so that it uses active verbs and no present participles."
2024년 9월 30일 오전 12:23
Good morning. I’m leaning by my kitchen window, my favourite home spot, blowing on the surface of my coffee latte and watching the sun rise as I sm looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the distance. I hope you all are doing well!
2024년 9월 29일 오후 4:33
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