Hello Why coffees ? Coffee is plural?
2021년 6월 21일 오후 12:17
답변 · 4
초대받은 사람
I would argue that "coffees" as a plural is also correct, and would never be marked incorrect in an exam. A similar situation is with the noun "stadium". It's plural is stadia, or stadium. Both are good. It's very common to say "I've had three coffees today".
2021년 6월 21일
초대받은 사람
When we speak, we can make many mistakes intentionally. It is still correct to say "Two coffees, please" and it is faster. But "Two cups of coffee, please" is more correct from the formal grammar point of view and it's more universal to learn this pattern rather than the spoken one.
2021년 6월 21일
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