Coco Kuo
커뮤니티 튜터
This is my grandma's glasses,( )on the chair. A they are B it is Who can tell me choose A or B ? pls tell me the reason.
2024년 11월 2일 오후 12:37
답변 · 7
The correct answer is A - 'they are' - 'glasses' is plural. I say 'glasses is . .' because what I mean is that 'the word 'glasses' is . .' and 'word' is singular. Similarly this object [on the chair] is my grandma's glasses - object is singular. When we talk about the glasses as the subject 'they are on the chair'. 'Where are my glasses ?' 'They're on the chair.'
2024년 11월 2일 오후 10:15
초대받은 사람
Technically, it should be "These ARE my grandma's glasses. THEY ARE on the chair." BUT Your sentence says "This is" so it means they want you to choose "it is." The truth is people often say "is" with glasses. That is, they making it singular. But technically it should be plural.
2024년 11월 2일 오후 2:09
초대받은 사람
These are (plural) my grandma's glasses, they are (plural) on the chair.
2024년 11월 4일 오전 10:47
2024년 11월 2일 오후 10:08
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