Ena Villar
Hi please help. About furniture It's going to be a great addition to our home. What's " great" in this sentence. Extreme or large?
2024년 11월 2일 오전 7:44
답변 · 3
The new piece of furniture will be great in our house. Maybe because it will look great, maybe because it will be very useful and get used a lot I didn’t have enough chairs for visitors to sit on in my living room, so the new one I just bought will be a great addition.
2024년 11월 2일 오전 8:11
In that sentence, "great" suggests that the addition will be very good or beneficial for your home. It conveys a positive sentiment rather than implying size or extremity. So, it’s more about the quality or value of the addition.
2024년 11월 2일 오후 5:08
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