kasturi hazarika
1. Enforcing strong criminal laws would be a good incentives. 2. It is seemed that poverty one of the causes of crime. Therefore, reduction in poverty can be an effective way to reduce crime. 3. Educating people can be an another Additionally educated them about laws and it consequences of breaking it.
2024년 9월 11일 오후 6:10
교정 · 4
1. Enforcing harsh criminal laws would be a good incentive. 2. It seems that poverty is one of the causes of crime. Therefore, a reduction in poverty can be an effective way to reduce crime. 3. Educating people can be an another way, additionally educating them about laws and the consequences of breaking them.
2024년 9월 12일 오전 7:11
1. Enforcing strong criminal laws would be a good incentive. 2. It seems that poverty is one of the causes of crime. Therefore, reducing poverty can be an effective way to reduce crime. 3. Educating people about laws and the consequences of breaking them is another effective way to reduce crime.
2024년 9월 12일 오전 5:31
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