Hi everyone, I want to start learning a new language. Where should I begin? Would it be better to use an app or start with books? Thank you in advance.
2024년 11월 24일 오후 12:03
답변 · 11
Human beings. You need human beings to start a new language.
10시간 전
I recommend something interactive and stimulating. Take a class, online or in person. Learn about the culture, not only the language. It makes it more fun and easy to remember.
11시간 전
Watch videos with subtitles first. You will get used with the sounds
7시간 전
Immersion if posssible. If not, you can watch movies with subtitles and use books and apps that way. And of course, take lessons on Italki!
9시간 전
You can start with conversations with new friends who speak the language that you would like to learn, watch movies and series, learn about the country and culture I study German nowadays and I can help by an easy way to start your trip for learning German language
10시간 전
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