커뮤니티 튜터
English language learners! I offer line by line corrections in my new student class and my conversation only class! If you've never had line by line corrections before it's extremely helpful to inform the student what specific issues that they are having when they speak. I focus on mouth movement, word choice, pronunciation and sentence structure. So many students know that they're struggling when they speak English but they don't know when they are struggling. Here's actually a line by line correction review that I gave a student (this is being shared with the student's permission). On the left hand side you'll see what I heard him say and the right side is the correction. I type this to the student and show them before the class is over then we talk about each mistake verbally. I don’t have much hobbies/ I don’t have many hobbies I’ve been trying to progress on those to hobbies on a regular basis/ I’ve been trying to work on those two hobbies on a regular basis They don’t try effort themselves/ they don’t try to work towards Bouks/ books Mostly the ones whose/ mostly the ones that talk about Ph-i-losphy/ philosophy I am bit of obsessive/ I’m a bit obsessed with this Cell phone app call / cell phone app called This app keep track/ this app keep tracks That I thing touk/ that I think took Getting a shower/ taking a shower It always berries with the days/? Your parent soaping skills are sharper/? Then I take lunch/ then I had lunch Then I take a short meal/ then I had a short meal I don’t have that much plans/ I don’t have many plans To internet/ on the internet Importing their car/? Since we are child/ since I was a child I be staying with him/ since I’ll be staying with him Average standar/ average standard Very goud/ very good Work in the computer/ work on the computer
2024년 7월 23일 오후 12:15