I usually have dinner, wash my teeth and prepare my bag and clothes for the next day. I've achived 15 days of no scrolling at my phone when I'm im bed and it's have been a huge benefit for my health. I started dreaming again! It's like my brain generate its own entertaiment instead of just remember what I just saw. I'm really happy.
2023년 9월 28일 오전 3:11
교정 · 3
I usually have dinner, then clean my teeth, and prepare my bag and clothes for the next day. I've achieved 15 days of no scrolling on my phone when I'm in bed and it has been a huge benefit for my health. I started dreaming again! It's like my brain generates its own entertainment instead of just remembering what I just saw. I'm really happy.
2023년 9월 28일
초대받은 사람
I usually have dinner, wash my teeth and prepare my bag and clothes for the next day. I've achieved 15 days of no scrolling on my phone when I'm in bed and it's been a huge benefit for my health. I started dreaming again! It's like my brain generates its own entertainment instead of just remembering what I just saw. I'm really happy.
small things make a big difference in our lives. I think I should try to stop doomscrolling too
2023년 9월 28일
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