Sexual Predator Alert!!! For any teacher who has on red lipstick on their profile picture or any woman on this platform, you are a target. A student by the name of Jack Leo sent me a message asking that I have a lesson with him but he is autistic so he persistently asked that I wear a red lipstick and open my mouth widely during our lessons. Gullible me thought this was him just making sure that I am up for the challenge and I understood because I genuinely believed that wearing the red lipstick and "opening my mouth widely" would help him see and understand what I would be saying. Unfortunately, I was met with such inappropriate behavior during the lesson, so I told him I had to urgently do something else in order to leave the lesson. I then texted Cecilia, a teacher who's had a lesson with him and it confirmed by suspicion. We both feel so violated and I am putting this out there so that each and every one of you is aware of this. Italki needs to do something about this man.
2021년 10월 8일 오후 7:40
답변 · 58
Italki really needs to take action against such people! Also there are people who are creating two three accounts and constantly misusing this platform! It's important that they create a safe space for all of us!🥺 Strength to you!❤️
2021년 10월 9일
I am so sorry that you had to go through that, miss. I've noticed that there are ALOT of pervs in this platform and italki MUST do something about it.
2021년 10월 8일
I had a similar experience with Jack Leo. He’s so inappropriate and messed up.
2021년 10월 8일
Thank you for alerting us
2021년 10월 8일
So sorry for you girls! So many disgusting people out there! I received a few weird texts by “students” who claimed they wanted to be friends. As soon as I see people are trying to get into personal chat or are suspiscious I block them. I tell everyone that I am using Italki for teaching and not becoming friends or chatting. If they persist I block them.
2021년 10월 9일
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