Hi, what does “cashays” mean in English? I don’t know how it is spelled, stress is on second syllable. Thank you in advance
2024년 10월 13일 오후 6:53
답변 · 11
The spelling is "cachet", and it is borrowed from French. I have never heard it plural. It means prestigious or distinguished and is often used in the phrase "a certain cachet". For example: "The fine suit the gentleman wore gave him a certain cachet." It means that the suit the gentleman wore made him look really sophisticated or made it look like he had a lot of power.
2024년 10월 13일 오후 6:58
It's the posh pronunciation of the word cache, which other folks pronounce as "cash". It refers to a temporary storage unit, for example, in the browse software on your computer if, you do a 'hard refresh' (Ctrl+F5 on Windows) it will refresh your cache, so the images, scripts and stylesheets are regenerated afresh. Or when living in the wilderness, you may hide something underground or in a secret place among vegetation - this would be a geocache.
2024년 10월 13일 오후 7:54
It sounds like you’re referring to the word "cachet" (pronounced ka-SHAY), which has stress on the second syllable. In English, cachet refers to: 1. Prestige or status—something that carries a special level of respect or admiration. * Example: "The brand has a lot of cachet among luxury buyers." It can also mean a seal or distinguishing mark in some contexts, but in everyday use, it’s mostly about prestige or being seen as high-status.
2024년 10월 15일 오전 5:24
Thank you so much for your replies, both of them were really enlightening :)
2024년 10월 13일 오후 8:37
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