What follows after the word “any” ? Plural nouns of singular? Like Do you have any siblings? I wonder whether it always follows with the plural nouns?
2021년 4월 15일 오후 5:12
답변 · 6
Any is followed by Plural countable nouns or uncountable nouns. This is in questions and negatives but not positive statements. For example: Do you have ANY siblings or money? I don’t have ANY siblings or money.
2021년 4월 15일
It doesn't always need a plural. For example: Do you have any interest in history? Do you have any time to discuss this? Do you have any sense of humour? Has there been any trouble here? Why can't we have any peace in the world? That dog will eat any flavour of pizza.
2021년 4월 15일
As Andrew Wright says, "any" is followed by either a plural noun or an "uncountable" (non-count) noun. All of the examples that Richard London gave are non-count nouns, which is why they are not plural. Some nouns can be either countable or uncountable, depending on the context. For example: "Do you have any INTEREST in history?" (uncountable) "Do you and your brother have any INTERESTS in common?" (countable, plural)
2021년 4월 16일
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