What does "decisive" mean in football games? They say this often. Is it just an adjective that means having the power or quality of deciding. ----- We're playing a decisive game against Argentina. And the decisive pass…
2023년 11월 12일 오전 10:31
답변 · 3
A ‘decisive pass’ is a literal translation of the words used in French to mean what English speakers usually use the word ‘assist’ for. I’m not aware of native English speakers using it, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
2023년 11월 14일
In this case, "decisive" = "deciding" = "conclusive". Yes, it's an adjective. "Decisive" has another meaning that is not at play here: "decisive" = "resolute" = "determined". This second meaning would be used only as an adjective to describe a person, not a game. example: "He makes decisions quickly. He is decisive."
2023년 11월 14일
A "decisive" game is one that will "decide" who moves on in the tournament. The loser is either eliminated completely, or their path toward moving on becomes much more complicated. A "decisive" goal is one that "decides" a game. A pass can't really be decisive, but it can lead to a decisive goal.
2023년 11월 12일
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