Rina Stegura
Hi! I have started to learn American accent. Can someone please hear and say is it good? Can you correct me? Thank a lot!
2021년 2월 18일 오후 1:09
답변 · 16
I don’t like my voice but hopefully this helps.
2021년 2월 19일
You have a clear pronunciation and a nice sounding voice. To obtain an American accent you need listen to words spoken in that accent and repeat them, again and again, until you get a feel for the rhythm and stress point. To do this you can use Google translate and press the speaker symbol after you type in the words you want to hear spoken. To get an American sounding voice you should use www.google.as (not google.com) Hope that helps.
2021년 2월 18일
Mostly pretty good, It's noticeable that you have an accent (i.e. not American), but perfectly understandable. I'll try to post a recording of myself reading is a fairly standard American accent., if you want to listen and compare. Hope it works.
2021년 2월 19일
It sounds good. Don't be too discouraged about the "r" sound, the American "r" is incredibly difficult to learn to pronounce. Keep it up!
2021년 2월 18일
Very good! Try to hit the “r” sound in “for” a little more strong, but your pronunciation was very good.
2021년 2월 18일
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