전문 강사
IELTS speaking fears What are they? Here are some students' comments over the internet: "Honestly my greatest fear in IELTS is the speaking section. I’ve taken the exam 6 times already since 2014 without hitting my target score of 7. My speaking score is consistently 6.5 throughout the exams. My nervousness really gets overwhelming with my failure. Just a mere mention of IELTS makes me cringe. I feel so hurt and phobic of the exam." Imagine this, right? As I said in the podcast, hard skills (preparing for the questions) aren't the only thing students need to prepare for. Mental training, calming down, breathing exercises, and learning to cool down are some techniques you can take to elevate your score. If it sounds new and you simply haven't heard of it, use it, and it will be a HUGE assistance for your WHOLE life. Dive into my harmonising meditation I did earlier to learn to relax more. Be well and let me know how I can help you.
IELTS Speaking fears
2024년 9월 18일 오후 12:44