Are these both ok? What kind/kinds of noodles would you like? Thanks
2024년 9월 14일 오전 1:29
답변 · 3
All four possibilities are OK: "What kind of noodle would you like?" "What kinds of noodle would you like?" "What kind of noodles would you like?" "What kinds of noodles would you like?" "Kinds" suggests the possibility that there be more than one answer. "Which" can be used in place of "what" but they are equally good. Use "which" if you want to emphasize that a selection is to be made.
2024년 9월 17일 오전 10:42
kind = one type kinds = various types
2024년 9월 15일 오전 5:00
Hey Heidi! I would suggest “What kind of noodles would you like?” and “Which kinds of noodles do you like?” The singular ‘kind’ of noodles refers to the decision that someone would make (they choose one kind). I suggest using ‘which’ with ‘kinds’ if your question will have more than one answer.
2024년 9월 14일 오전 2:51
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!