Could someone help me complete these tag questions? Thank you very much!:-) Neither you nor Lily goes to the party, ______? Either you or Lily goes to the party, _________? Not only you but also Lily goes to the party, __? Both you and Lily go to the party, ___________? Lily is too busy to go to the party, _________?
2024년 11월 20일 오전 8:41
답변 · 15
Usually I would say "right" for all of them. It's more efficient and less pompous than the alternatives. But in a very formal context, I might change most of them to "am I right" and some of them to "isn't that right".
2024년 11월 20일 오전 10:00
Do you, don’t you, don’t you, don’t you, isn’t she
2024년 11월 20일 오전 9:11
None of these except for the last has a unique answer because the answer depends upon what you want the tag question to ask. For the tag question, there are two possibilities (1) It can ask if the sentence is true or not, or (2) It can ask about the status only of Lily. In case it is (1) that you want, it may not be possible for the tag question to clearly pose this question. For instance, the meaning of "Neither you nor Lily goes to the party, don't you?" is not at all clear. Who is the final "you"? Is it just you, or is it both you and Lily. Nobody can say because in English "you" can be either singular or plural. On the other hand, if it is (2) that you want then the sentence "Neither you nor Lily goes to the party, doesn't she?" is also a terrible sentence because it contains a double negative. Nobody can say what it means. Literally, it means "Does she NOT NOT go to the party?" Only a computer can make sense out of that. If I wanted to clarify the status of Lily, I would say "Neither you nor Lily goes to the party, or does she go?" Similar considerations apply to the other sentences as well. Only the last one has a clear unique answer: "isn't she".
2024년 11월 20일 오후 12:48
Neither you nor Lily goes to the party, does she? Is it right to use “does she”,since neither is negative,so the tag question should be posotive? Lily is too busy to go to the party,is she? SInce the meaning of the sentence is negative,is it right to add “is she“? Thank you very much!
2024년 11월 20일 오후 1:10
2024년 11월 20일 오후 2:29
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