Luis de la Cruz
Hi! Can you please tell me if there are any changes to make? I'm going for a casual conversational style. Many thanks! • ‎He sheepishly admitted that he hadn't really put much effort into it. • Even the loud ringing of the doorbell could not wake up the sound-asleep residents. • When I got back to the apartment, absolutely drained, I ran into some wide-awake young people on their way to a party. • Some people say that it is only conscious citizens who are doing their best to reduce climate change. • Since my sick son couldn't handle the chores, my healthy son took care of them. • I accidentally bumped into a lady on the street, and her upset husband shot me a hateful look. • The teacher was super strict and wouldn't forgive even the most apologetic student.
2025년 2월 15일 오후 8:53
답변 · 3
Hi Luis! Your sentences are already really strong, but I’ve made a few small tweaks to make them sound even more natural in a casual conversational style. I focused on making them flow a bit more smoothly while keeping your original meaning. Let me know what you think! ‎He sheepishly admitted he hadn’t really put much effort into it. Even the loud ringing of the doorbell couldn’t wake up the residents—they were out cold. When I got back to the apartment, absolutely drained, I ran into some wide-awake partygoers ready for a night out. Some say that only conscious citizens are really doing their part to fight climate change. Since my sick son was out of commission, my other son stepped in to handle the chores. I accidentally bumped into a lady on the street, and her annoyed husband shot me a death stare. The teacher was super strict—she wouldn’t cut even the most apologetic student any slack. Hope this helps! Let me know if you’d like any other changes.
2025년 2월 16일 오전 3:41
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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