Rishu Rathee
Yeah, I remember the first time I traveled alone. It wasn't a long journey by it had me thrilled and a bit nervous also, to be honest.
2024년 9월 10일 오전 4:43
교정 · 3
Yeah, I remember the first time I traveled alone. It wasn't a long journey but it had me thrilled and a bit(somewhat) nervous at the same time, to be honest.
2024년 9월 10일 오후 2:19
Yeah, I remember the first time I traveled alone. It wasn't a long journey but it had me thrilled and a bit nervous too, to be honest.
2024년 9월 10일 오후 12:44
The mistake in the sentence is the use of "by" instead of "but". The word "but" is needed to introduce a contrast between the two clauses. Corrected sentence: "Yeah, I remember the first time I traveled alone. It wasn't a long journey, but it had me thrilled and a bit nervous also, to be honest." Additional suggestions: Other possible improvements: - You could replace "also" with "too" to make the sentence sound smoother: "It wasn't a long journey, but it had me thrilled and a bit nervous too."
Hello Rishu, please feel free to book one Trial Lesson or ask me anything you are interested in regarding English language!
2024년 9월 10일 오전 8:22
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