Vicky from Bahia
커뮤니티 튜터
How would you call this dark-red wallet in your native language? Here in Brazil it is used by some restaurants to keep the check closed until the client receive it. We can either put some cash in it or just check the bill and then ask for the credit card machine.
2024년 10월 14일 오후 11:43
답변 · 10
Hi Vicky. I hope your Italki teaching is going well? I messaged a couple of friends who work in restaurants here in the UK and they said the following….bill holders, check holders, bill presenters, check covers and cardstocks. Any of these are heard here!
2024년 10월 15일 오전 7:20
I've never hear anyone name it because they refer to it by calling what it contains: the check. I'm sure there must be a term for it in restaurant lingo, but I don't what it is.
2024년 10월 15일 오전 1:59
Things like this are often used in the United States. I've never had to give it a name. I would probably call it either a "folder" or a "holder." I just tried a Google search on "restaurant supplies check holders" and it seems as if most of the hits call it a "check presenter." But that's what professional restaurant people would call it, not what an ordinary customer would call it.
2024년 10월 16일 오전 12:21
커뮤니티 가이드라인을 위반한 콘텐츠입니다.
2024년 10월 15일 오전 8:05
I don't think we have a spefic word . . . maybe the check folder? Also, it's WHAT do you call it, not HOW. (yes I know, different from most of the rest of the world)
2024년 10월 15일 오전 6:00
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